Argan Oil - The Ultimate Lip Care Ingredient Missing From Your Lip Care Routine
Welcome to the era of the lips
Lips were the long-forgotten body part that finally won their well-deserved recognition circa 2015 until now. Their original purpose may be as a sensory and protective organ, but the beauty industry has singlehandedly turned them into a star.
Nowadays, it seems that everyone has a thing or two to say about what "the perfect lip" looks like; or how to achieve them. However, the general consensus is that soft, healthy, and plump lips are unbeatable, and we'd like to agree.
However, achieving perfectly moisturized lips without an external aid is next to impossible – lips are one of the few body parts without any sweat or oil glands. With nothing to simultaneously waterproof and moisturize our lips, we may find ourselves reaching for lip balm (read: chemicals) while others simply lick their lips – often subconsciously.
But the effects are detrimental. Saliva contains two natural digestive enzymes (Maltese & Analyse) that strip away the lip's moisture alongside their delicate protective layer.
Fortunately, some organic materials can imbue the lips with bucketloads of moisture. Moving us on to:
Why do we need Argan for our Lips?
Argan is a smooth, luscious, oily substance traditionally used in Morocco before becoming a worldwide phenomenon. Often likened to liquid gold or honey, it's an entirely natural substance that's brimming with life-giving nutrients and vitamins tapped directly from the earth.
And, perhaps most importantly for the lips, Silk Oil of Morocco Argan oil is an incredible moisturizer due to its high water content and sealing abilities.
Packed full of the good stuff
Here's a quick low-down on Silk Oil of Morocco Argan oil's contents: tocopherols (vitamin E), phenols, sterols, carotenes, squalene, and fatty acids (80% unsaturated).
And the list goes on; however, we've covered the essentials. From the ingredients listed above, four have powerful antioxidizing properties. Antioxidants are adept at hunting down free radicals (incredibly damaging to cells) and eradicating them.
Next, there's the famously nourishing vitamin E, which just so happens to be abundant in Argan. Vitamin E works its magic as a fat-soluble ingredient, meaning it's able to penetrate deep into your skin and stay there.
It's a lip conditioner
Silk Oil of Morocco Argan oil's ultra-emollient texture makes the transfer of moisture simple and rapid. This wonderfully quick hydrating job means that you'll get to enjoy less of your hair sticking to your lips in the wind moments. Moreover, you won't have to wait long before applying makeup over your freshly hydrated lips.
Whether you choose Silk Oil of Morocco Argan-infused lip balm, lipstick, Lipstain, Gloss, or the New Nude Collective Argan Lip Shine you can be assured of an almost instantaneous plumping and softening of your lips.
Miracle worker (anti-aging)
Moroccan women have long used Argan oil to protect their skin from sun damage and aging. So it was only a matter of time before their invaluable skincare secret was shared with the world.
In fact, more recent studies have verified what Moroccan women have long known - Argan oil is a veritable fountain of youth. The results showed that the antioxidant activity in Argan oil helps to protect the skin against free radical damage, essentially delaying the onset of aging. Moreover, by maintaining high moisture levels, the lips can maintain their optimal plump shape for longer, creating both a young effect inside and outside.
Going further still, researchers have found that a combination of oral and cosmetic Argan oil can lead to a significant increase in elasticity of the skin.
Argan oil is neither too potent nor too weak for any skin type, meaning that it should coat any set of lips to absolute perfection. An even coverage that penetrates deep into the tissue of the lips is available for anyone who wishes to dip their toes into the golden honey that is Argan oil.
Moreover, not only are its texture and content perfectly compatible with all lip types, but it also blends well with many of its other organic counterparts, such as coconut balm/oil.
How to get bigger lips?
Like all soft tissues of the body, the lip's skin is constantly in a cycle of dying and replenishing. As a result, there are often small, imperceptible flakes of dead skin on our lips that can create a dry, chapped look. Exfoliating the mouth area 2-3 times a week can help your lips achieve their most bountiful, hydrated, and healthy look.
Moreover, the act of exfoliating can draw blood to the lips, promoting cellular regeneration in the area and naturally giving the lips a fuller, more fiery edge.
Consider purchasing or making a homemade lip scrub to use for exfoliation. It's as simple as taking some brown sugar and mixing it gently with a few drops of Silk Oil of Morocco PURE Argan oil. All that's left to do is massage it into your lips before wiping away the residue with a damp cloth.
One of the most common causes of dry skin is being underhydrated. So, as it transpires, fuller-looking lips often start from within. Be sure to drink enough water a day to keep yourself in overall good health with plumper lips as an added bonus!
Tip: Aim for just a bit over 8 glasses of water a day.
Over-line your lips & other tricks
Overlining the lips is one of the most popular ways to create a fuller-looking lip without resorting to surgery. So to enhance a lined lip, why not use any of the Nude Collective Silk oil of Morocco Lipliners 5 colours to choose from, that creates a sheen which evokes the illusion of fullness.
Moreover, by dabbing just a few drops of Silk Oil of Morocco Argan Lip stain into the center of your lips, you can create an enviable pout that faux-fills the lips.
Lip plumper
Argan lip treatment primarily centers around Argan-charged lip plumping products. By pairing the nourishing qualities of Argan with the stimulating abilities of a plumper, these must-have beauty products can take your lip size to the next level for longer. So you're guaranteed softer, plumper-looking lips within seconds that last for hours – the ideal!
How can we take care of our lips?
Interestingly, many of the same techniques to enhance your lip size also happen to be outstanding lip care practices. Exfoliate, hydrate, moisturize, and repeat often is the mantra of many lip care fanatics.
We'd like to emphasize the 'Reapply often' point, as upkeep is essential to well-looked-after lips.
Tips & Tricks for Winter and Summer lips
Winter can be unkind to lips, leaving them chapped, dried, painful, and even looking thinner. This dreaded yet well-known effect is primarily due to the dry indoor heating and harsh outdoor conditions during the colder season.
An unfailing dedication to lip care is vital during these wintery days. To make sure your lips stand the best chance, treat them to a throughout, multi-layer protection using Argan products such as Silk Oil of Morocoo Argan lipsticks, Lipstains, Lip Balm or Argan lip Shines/glosses.
Moreover, considering that Wintery lip trends always fall back to softer reds, you can't go wrong with a nourishing Argan lip stain.
Summer goes a little easier on the lips, however, they still run the risk of becoming sunburnt or chapped in the dry heat. However, you could ensure that your lips look pink, plump, and soft with Argan oil. Just dab a drop or two onto your lips and rub them together. Or, similar to lip care in the Winter, you could amass an army of Argan lip care products such as Argan-infused lipstick to make all your lip woes melt away.
A little more about lips …
If, on the off chance, you needed any more reasons to love your luscious lips, here are a few to make you fall head over heels. Firstly, did you know that your lips are entirely unique to you? Like your fingerprints, the lines of your lips are unlike any other on the planet – they're all yours and oh-so different! At Silk Oil of Morocco, they’re already blazing the trail for those who take pride in being different. Adding their own natural, organic twist to ultra-effective formulas has already earned them a name as one of the bigger up and coming beauty brands.
But moving on, secondly, our lips are even rarer owing to us being the only species with such a distinctive border between skin and lip, making our lips the most predominant feature of our faces.
And last but not least, our lips essentially function as our wing-man (or wing-woman!) That's right, if ever you deem someone lovely enough to kiss, your lips will share biological information in the shape of pheromones. Subconsciously, these pheromones tell you everything you need to know about your DNA compatibility. So, if you've ever kissed someone irresistible and couldn't figure out why it just didn't feel right – that's why!